It is a great pleasure to be back in Cork IT again, and in such lovely weather. Here are the slides grouped together for the three workshops I ran on 6th June on assessment and feedback
Cork Workshops 6th June (651 downloads)
. You can find the other slides (the exam) on the ‘archived downloads’ page. You were a great group to work with – thanks for all your encouragement (and for pointing out the typos in two of my slides).
From CIT National Maritime College of Ireland: here are the main slides I used in our masterclass on 7th June
Masterclass (772 downloads)
. I tried to do ‘other’ things, so I didn’t repeat myself much over the two days. As you said yourselves, you had to be there to experience the tales, anecdotes and explanations around the slides. The slides themselves only have real meaning for those who were there.
Task: some of you were there on one or both days. Your task is to talk those who weren’t at whichever day through the slides they didn’t see, remembering the points I made. You know it will do you (and them) good. Again, you were a great group to work with, and I hope to be asked back next year with enough time to really explore your wonderful facilities at the College.
Many thanks to Marese Bermingham who made all this happen.
I’m off on holiday for a week and a bit with Sally in France on Monday. I hope the weather is as good as it was in Cork.