Since her retirement from what is now Leeds Beckett University, my wife is even busier than ever, particularly leading sessions on assessment, and for staff applying for HEA Fellowships – and on all sorts of other things. For more details, and slides and handouts from all her workshops, please go to Sally’s website: but please note Sally’s main email is now rather than her former one as Leeds Met changed its name.
She is currently the Chair of the Committee of the Association of National Teaching Fellows, (ANTF) and has recently led the Association’s response to the Green Paper introducing the proposed Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF).

Sally is the author/editor of many texts on assessment, learning and teaching, including:
‘Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education: global perspectives’ [Palgrave-Macmillan, 2015].
‘Assessing Learners in Higher Education’ (with Peter Knight) [Routledge, 1998]
‘Assessing Skills and Practice’ (with Ruth Pickford) [Routledge, 2006]
‘Assessment Matters in Higher Education’ (co-edited with Angela Glasner) [Open University Press, 1999]
‘Lecturing: a practical guide’ (with Phil Race) [Routledge, 2002]
‘Inclusive Learning in Higher Education’ (edited with Mike Adams) [Routledge, 2006]
‘Internationalising Higher Education’ (edited with Elspeth Jones) [Routledge, 2007]
‘Managing Universities and Colleges: Beyond Bureaucracy’ (edited with Steve Denton) [Routledge, 2009].
Sally completed her term as Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Adademic) at Leeds Metropolitan University in July 2010. Formerly, she was Director of Membership Services at the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, and prior to that worked at 20 years at the University of Northumbria. For many years, she has been strongly associated with SEDA, formerly chairing its publications committee, and acting as co-chair with Carole Baume. She is enrolled on the SEDA Roll of Honour, and is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a National Teaching Fellow, and completed an NTFS £200k project on ‘Assessing Students at Masters Level’. In 2012, she gained a Doctorate through published works at Leeds Met University, and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Education by Plymouth University. She is a Visiting Professor at Liverpool John Moores University, the University of South Wales, and at Plymouth University.
Sally can be contacted at