I’m off with Sally to Plymouth for a week on Tuesday 5th, and running a session at the Pedrio Conference on Masters Level on Friday there, and participating there in the NTF pop-up meeting on the TEF consultation.
My task at the World Cafe lunchtime session is reproduced below.
Learning to be Masterly (World Cafe session led by Phil Race)
In discussion with colleagues, please jot down your individual or collective answers/responses to each or any of the questions below on post-its, and stick them onto a sheet or chart bearing the individual questions. Please move as you wish between one question and another.
- (Easy) What are the three most important differences between working towards a Masters qualification and undergraduate study?
- (Fairly easy) What are the top five skills which a successful graduate needs to acquire to be equipped to succeed at Masters level?
- (Medium) Which student attributes can really help, and which can get in the way?
- (Harder) What principal kinds of evidence, at the end of the day, do Masters level assessments (in their various forms) actually measure? (And how can we help learners measure up?)
- (Deep) What are the most important things we can do to help learners gain Mastery?
- (Hardest!) What would be the best ‘metric’ to evidence teaching excellence in the context of masters level learning?
I left the workshop with loads of completed post-its, and a summary will appear on the Pedrio Website at Plymouth before long.