Solstice 2019 – and a surprise!

Here are the slides I used for my session on ‘Helping students to take charge of their learning’ on Wednesday, and Word files of the two handout grids we used. learning-grid-2019-Solstice-2019.docx (668 downloads) Self-care-2019-grid-Solstice-2019.docx (695 downloads) Solstice-June-2019-w.pptx (605 downloads) I’ve also transcribed your post-its: helping-students-to-take-charge-postits.docx (632 downloads)
The complete surprise: Prof Peter Hartley did a great ‘This is your life…’ just for me – the whole works, photos, comments, slides – I was bowled over by folks kindness and generosity to celebrate my retiring on my 75th birthday next week! Many thanks to all! Lots of pictures were Tweeted too on #Solstice2019.