One of the main themes of my workshops and my writing is assessment. There are various posts and downloads all over this site on assessment. However, I’m now starting to build a page just on this.
I often repeat Einstein’s comment that ‘It is simply madness to keep doing the same thing, and expect different results’. We need to change assessment – it doesn’t work well and has got out of control.
What do time-constrained, unseen written exams really measure? Here you can download an exercise I often used with students, to help them to think of some of the things that affected their performance in these kinds of assessment. what-do-exams-really-measure-2021w.docx (732 downloads)
Sorry but some of the links to downloads originally on this page got broken when my site had to be moved in October 2016. I’m gradually restoring these as I find them…
Assessment-digest-w-1-1.docx (5394 downloads)Feedback-extracts-for-Tweetchat.docx (3936 downloads)
exams-extracts-2.docx (1568 downloads)