UWE: Applying for HEA Fellowships: 9th April

Well done, enthusiastic group of UWE colleagues for taking part in quite a strenuous day, and making excellent progress towards putting together applications for HEA Fellowships across all the levels. I wish you well in rounding off your applications, and look forward to hearing that they’ve been successful. Don’t leave it for long now, or you’ll lose bits of the thinking you did today.

ANTF Symposium, Birmingham, 30th-31st March

Sally and I very much engroup3joyed this year’s ANTF Symposium in the MacDonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham. Sponsors of the event were Ede and Ravenscroft (who took photos of many of us) and Play-doh (who provided material to help us concentrate during the sessions). It was great to meet up with ANTFs from all over, and in particular with our friends Simon Thomson and Ruth Pickford from Leeds Beckett University, pictured with us here.

University of Derby: 25th March

Great to be back at Derby after several years. Thanks to so many of you turning up to be with me. Here are the main slides I used (do let me know if I missed anything useful out), minus as always the video clips and pictures. New link now at Derby-Assessment-and-Feedback-2015-w.pptx (349 downloads)   As I’m sure you could tell, I’d have loved a whole day at Derby, but hope that I touched on sufficient useful ideas to keep you going. I believe I have now conquered Windows 8 on my new laptop, but not yet microphones and walking about. (As ever, whenever a computer does something really silly, it can be tracked straight back to its user!).

NUS Benchmarking Tools

The National Union of Students has now produced three such tools, on ‘Assessment and Feedback’, ‘Organisation and Management’ and ‘Learning Resources’, all strongly related to aspects of the student experience as gathered annually in the UK in the National Student Survey. These tools provide excellent food for thought and discussion in universities, and can be downloaded from the NUS website, or indeed direct from here: Assessment and feedback (882 downloads) , Organisation and management (808 downloads) , Learning resources (845 downloads) .

Assessment: bits of my new editions

I’ve today put together a ‘Digest’ of some quite long extracts from ‘Making Learning Happen’ (3rd edition published May 2014) and the 4th edition of ‘The Lecturer’s Toolkit’ (published this year), from the respective chapters on Assessment. These are the bits focussing on traditional assessment formats such as exams and essays, and I’ve put enough (I hope) of the preceding discussion from each chapter to set the scene. You’ll also be able to see the different styles of the two books, and sometimes compare two different ways of approaching the same topics. (These extracts are of course from my disc versions of the submitted manuscripts, and the published editions have the benefit of copy-editors’ expertise from the respective publishers). If you find this useful, please re-tweet using the button below. Also, any feedback really appreciated – thanks in advance for this. Assessment-digest-w-1-1.docx (5395 downloads)

University of Utrecht: 26th and 27th January

Sally and I are delighted to be working in Utrecht again, and are being well looked after on our visit. Here are the main slides I used in my two workshops on feedback, where I have updated the slides to include the differences between the two workshops, where I altered the order to ‘lead the witnesses’ on the 26th, and to ‘start from your experience’ on the 27th.   Utrecht2 (695 downloads)
There were not enough of you to have a workshop on small-group teaching, but thanks to a few of you for participating in a discussion and a related exercise. The main slides relating to that are here: small groups slides (693 downloads) , updated now with the three introductory slides I used. I’ve also added the booklet on ‘personal tutoring’ which I wrote with colleagues from Leeds Met some time ago. personal tutoring (821 downloads) .

Great working with you, and thanks for looking after us so well.