Discipline problems?

I know that maintaining order can be difficult, but I am worried about the proposed punishments the Minister mentions, such as picking up litter, tidying up after meals, and writing lines. This is very demeaning to those people who are paid to pick up litter and tidy up after meals – are they being punished? (They are probably not paid much for the work they do anyway). What would happen to anyone who pointblank refused to write lines? You might want to print out this file (if you agree with me) and stick it to notice boards!! lines (620 downloads) photo

Designing Exam Questions and Marking Schemes

Those of you who know me will know that I am very critical of traditional time-constrained (hand)-written exams for all sorts of reasons. However, many people still need to write exam questions and marking schemes, and the download here may be helpful to them. (This is adapted from the 3rd edition (2007) of ‘The Lecturer’s Toolkit’ [London: Routledge] and I am working up the ideas for the forthcoming 4th edition – do email me with suggestions for improving this topic.  Restored link: Swansea-2014-w.pptx (417 downloads)

Harper Adams University: 7th January

Great working with you all. Here are the main slides I used Harper Adams (598 downloads) . Sorry to rush you at the end, but I wanted to start you off on an activity which can easily take an hour. I look forward to your homework submissions by 14th Januaary, as explained in the slides. Posted at Sheffield on the way back home.
PS: I’ve just been playing with an electronic post-it tool from www.Padlet.com. You may like to try it too. Could easily be used in lectures.

University of Utrecht: 11th and 12th December

Here are the main slides I used in my one-day workshop with you on 11th December. Making Learning Happen (651 downloads) . The content-free test can be found separately on the ‘archived downloads’ page of the site, where you can also download the Word file for the ‘Statements’ exercise.
Here now also are the main slides I used in my workshop on ‘Smarter Feedback’ on 12th December Smarter Feedback (611 downloads) , not (of course) including pictures or video-clips. Wonderful room to work in – we could not stick flipcharts to beautifully decorated walls, and the view out of the windows was stunning.photo (29) photo (28)