Holiday in France

On 14th June I’m going to Leeds, then on the 15th off on the ferry from Hull to Zeebrugge, then on holiday in France until the 27th. After this, I’m working in Hull on the 28th, and travelling around working in several parts of the UK till July 9th. I am unlikely to pick up emails or phone messages while in France, so please bear with me if I’m slow in replying then.

Thanet College, Broadstairs: 25th May

Great working with you today. Now at Kings Cross, half-way (in time) home on trains. Here are the main slides we used today (minus the pictures and links). Sadly taxi didn’t turn up, but I legged it to the station in time for the 1559, which was exactly on time. It was really good to see Broadstairs for the first time – I hope you’ll ask me back. Thanet (758 downloads)

Dr Sally Brown

I’m delighted to say that Sally’s award of PhD by Published Works was confirmed yesterday. You might like to email her with congrats by going to her website,  There’s lots of good stuff on her website. I am of course very proud of my wife’s achievement.

UWE: 26th April

Here are the main slides I used in my keynote, minus the links and pictures. You were a great audience, thanks. UWE (886 downloads) . I enjoyed all of your sessions, thanks, particularly the one on feedback and feedforward, and on talking students online through the answers to past exam questions, illustrating how exactly to go about answering them where necessary. There’s excellent practice around at UWE.

Updated ‘ripples model’

I’ve updated the PowerPoint file which shows the development of the ‘ripples model’ of learning, with some new slides added. Now it should download more easily, directly as a PowerPoint file, without the hassle of zipped folders, as my website software no longer needs these. Ripples model seven factors (29285 downloads) . This is written up as Chapter 2 of the 2nd (2010) edition of ‘Making Learning Happen’. If you would like to book me to go through this live at your institution, please email me.

‘How to do Uni’

What key advice is needed by 6th-formers and others preparing to start University? I’ve added a page of brief suggestions to the ‘for students’ part of this website, accessible using the link at the right-hand side. I’m particularly looking for feedback on these suggestions, and (even better) for more ideas to go there.

Northumbria Students’ Conference: 21st February

Here are the main slides we used in my session. I took out the pictures and links which would have made the file far too big. The slides are in PowerPoint 2007 in a zipped folder. Great working with you – best of luck in your forthcoming assignments. Northumbria slides (887 downloads)
I was very impressed with your draft assignments on helping 6th formers to prepare for University – so you inspired me to have a go to produce a simple one-pager with the same mission, which you can download here: How to do Uni (856 downloads) . I was also very heartened by some feedback from you which Kay sent on to me – you can see that here too feedback (981 downloads) .