Jo Johnson’s speech: (and the TEF) 9th September

The Minister for Universities and Science yesterday pointed to the shape and nature of the Green Paper to be published in the autumn. Headings such as ‘Teaching at the heart of the system’ may look promising, but later his words include ‘And there is lamentable teaching that must be driven out of our system. It damages the reputation of UK higher education and I am determined to address it’.
For anyone wondering about whether the focus of the TEF will really address teaching excellence, or whether the forthcoming Green Paper will be much more about higher education moving yet further towards the status of a commodity rather than a right for students, the links below may help. I’ve posted the link to the official document, and a Word document of the text, in case that makes it easier to quote from the speech. (I’m all for encouraging teaching excellence, but commodifying it is not a sensible way towards achieving it).  Jo Johnson's speech, 9th September: Word document (767 downloads)

You may also be interested in recent posts about the TEF on Sally’s website, and the #LTHEchat Tweet chat held on August 26th.