Now in Santander

After a brilliant trip with Sally to Cadiz (where she was external at a successful PhD by publication viva),  we’re about to start a conference on formative assessment at the University of Cantabria. Sally’s giving a keynote (in Spanish and English) on Saturday morning, and I’m running a workshop (just in English!) tomorrow. Phil concentrating(Photo caught me trying to follow Spanish at start of conference!).

Here will be added my main slides from my workshop on 18th September Santander workshop slides (653 downloads) . You were a great audience, and I very much enjoyed working with you and learning from you.
Here also are the popular slides on my ‘Ripples’ model of learning Ripples model seven factors (29265 downloads) , and a Word file of Chapter 1 of the 2015 edition of ‘The Lecturer’s Toolkit’ Chapter 1 of 'Toolkit' 4th edition (1008 downloads) . Here as well are slides from a presentation I did of the ‘Ripples’ model translated into Spanish, from a previous visit Slides about 7 factors in Spanish (584 downloads) .