NTF 2018: Updated slides for aspirant National Teaching Fellows and supporters

There was a very successful webinar yesterday with 26 participants on NTF 2018, led by Peter Hartley, Helen May and Sally Brown, which replaced the planned session at Edinburgh Napier University, which had to be cancelled with the University closed due to adverse weather conditions.
Various issues cropped up both in the planning of, and during the webinar, which necessitated some clarification of the HEA position by Helen May, and Peter Hartley also provided a really useful mindmap, so this version of the slides is the the updated one, with three new slides inserted after Peter’s mindmap. We hope you find these useful.  ANTF-presentation-w3.pptx (622 downloads)
It is also planned to hold a second webinar on Tuesday 13th March, 10am-11am, subject to confirmation, so I will confirm this when I can.