RCPI Dublin 29th May

Thanks for making me so welcome at the RCPI in Dublin, to run a session about fine-tuning assessment for today’s students and professions. The main slides I used can be downloaded here: Dublin-RCPI-2018-w.pptx (546 downloads)

A link to the ‘content free test’ I used to illustrate how showing students ‘wrong’ things can aid learning – in this case towards the design of good multiple-choice questions, is here:  contentfreetest.ppt (664 downloads)
A link to the SEDA blog I wrote some time ago called ‘Reflection on Demand’ is here: https://thesedablog.wordpress.com/2016/10/13/reflection-on-demand/#more-543

As always, what you can download here is just the slides – the heart of the day was the discussion around things in the slides and far beyond them. The slides themselves are no substitute for having been there, but may trigger thoughts for those who contributed to the discussions and debates. Thanks also for several Tweets.