Here are the main slides I used in our workshop on 17th July on small group teaching Small Group Teaching (585 downloads) . I have not included the slides about your own ‘Curriculum Enrichment Project’, as I’m sure you will know all these details in any case. One of the questions which came up in the creative problem solving exercise was ‘What can I do when 150 Chinese students all want to ask for individual clarification, outside class, in private?’ The question sparked off some great discussion. I’d be most interested if users of this site would email me with creative solutions to this problem, at Thanks for all the useful replies I’ve already had to the Tweet I sent on the same subject.
Here are the main slides I used in my two workshops on 18th July: Towards assessment as learning (609 downloads) , Linking learning outcomes (567 downloads) . I look forward to visiting Plymouth University again in the autumn – this ‘curriculum enrichment’ project is most timely and exciting.