It was a great pleasure to be at your Teaching and Learning conference today – you were a fantastic group thanks. I’ve put a link to the main slides I used here (including the ones you didn’t see, which are the rest of the story).
Nottingham-2018-w.pptx (628 downloads)
I’m also putting a link to the Word version of the colourful slide you saw about HEA Fellowships.
grid-2018-w.docx (613 downloads)
The post-it answers included ‘if I had more time’ but I think you’ll now know that it’s not a matter of how much time one has, but what one does in it – often something else.
Author: Phil Race
Myerscough College, 23rd March
Great being with you today and working on ‘Making Engagement Happen’. You were a lovely group to work with, many thanks. I hope you’ll agree we were all engaged all morning. Here are the main slides we used today: Myerscough-2018-w.pptx (667 downloads) . No Tweets from you today, but I think this was because we couldn’t as the Wifi system didn’t allow it, and there was no phone signal?
Coventry University: 14th-15th March
Great to work with you over two days on reinventing feedback and feedforward for the 21st Century. There are so many strengths at Coventry University, (as the Radio 4 broadcast on Tuesday evening amply demonstrated) and I look forward to seeing how you pick up and run with some of the ideas from these workshops. I’m also for interest adding a Word document I made from the nicely provocative material on ‘Educational Research Myths’ I mentioned. The main slides I used in the two sessions are downloadable here (including some I didn’t use with you as time was tight), not necessarily in the order in which we worked with them. Coventry-2018-w.pptx (530 downloads) educational-myths.docx (645 downloads)
NTF 2018: Updated slides for aspirant National Teaching Fellows and supporters
18th February: thought for the day?
Handwriting, and times tables: a little rant. if-you-can-measure-it-1.docx (628 downloads)
Workshops for aspiring National Teaching Fellows, 2018
Sally Brown, and other members of the Committee of the Association of National Teaching Fellows, in conjunction with the HEA, are presenting a series of free workshops around the UK on the revised National Teaching Fellowship scheme for 2018, for aspirants and supporters. The latest versions of the slides, expanded after the webinar on 1st March, for these events can be downloaded here:
ANTF-presentation-w3.pptx (674 downloads)
Events will be held at: (note some alterations due to adverse weather conditions!)
Leeds Beckett University (Now March 22nd)
Birmingham Newman University (March 1st)
Edinburgh Napier University (Now webinar instead on March 2nd)
University of Bath (Now March 9th)
University of Bournemouth (March 5th)
Ulster University, Belfast (March 7th)
Manchester Metropolitan University (March 8th)
University of South Wales Newport campus (March 9th)
University of Hertfordshire (March 9th)
Newcastle University (March 23rd)
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (March 28th)
City University, London (March 28th)
Please download the word document, showing full details of these events, and if you wish to attend one of these, please contact the person taking bookings direct at whichever location. NTFsupport-events-2018-1-page.docx (608 downloads)
Feedback and Feedforward – Just the tips! (including for students)
Successful feedback/feed-forward needs to be a dialogue, not just a monologue from tutors, so helping students make the most of feedback is an essential part of the picture.
There are already big downloads on this website of my published writings on feedback and assessment, and they’ve been well used. However, in the link attached, I’ve separated out the ‘pure tips’, and at my last workshop used a handout of this 4-pager as an ‘on your table’ document (the ‘what’), so the discussion could centre around processes (the ‘how’) for making feedback work better – and the reasons (the ‘why’) we need to change things.
Phil-feedback-tips-3.docx (1691 downloads)
University of Glasgow: Adam Smith Business School: 7th February
Great to be with you today. Thanks to Angela who arranged everything. Here are the main slides I used (minus pictures and videos): but can you spot the slides I didn’t show you? Also, for those present only for the 2nd part of the workshop, please see the slides at the start of the first part, for other information and downloads. Glasgow-2018-w.pptx (674 downloads) . Also great to have David Nicol there all day, to learn from his expertise and experience particularly of feedback.
CEC Belfast 12th January
Here are the main slides I used today (minus pictures and video links).
Belfast-2018-w.pptx (746 downloads)
I really enjoyed my day with you, in such a lovely building and with such a welcoming feel. Sorry my voice was scratchy!
The handout file is here, should you wish to play with it.
statements-2006.doc (602 downloads)
Capel Manor College: January 3rd-4th
Great working with you this week – thanks for being such good participants and joining into everything so well. Here are the main slides (minus the pictures and video clips) I used in our two workshops, strung together into one long presentation: Capel-Manor-2018-w.pptx (648 downloads) . Do please use the links to download relevant things from my books, and explore other things on this website.