Most popular downloads
Please note that all downloads on my website are free. If you have any trouble getting them, please let me know by emailing me at
Following the problem experienced in October 2016 when my site had to be moved, links to many of my older downloads were lost and ‘download not found’ will appear on your screen. If there’s anything particular you want, please email or Tweet me, and I’ll do my best to reinstate such a download.
Workshops Prospectus 2016 Phil-Race-Workshops-2016-w.docx (2093 downloads)
‘Ripples’ model: seven factors underpinning successful learning Chapter 1 of Lecturer’s Toolkit: Chapter-1-from-Toolkit.docx (3510 downloads) Newer version of slides: April 2016 ripples10w-1.pptx (7415 downloads)
‘In at the Deep End: Arabic translation’
I wrote this booklet for new lecturers while working part-time at Leeds Met, who also organised a translation into Arabic. You can download the translation here:
Arabic-translation-of-in-at-the-deep-end.pdf (1047 downloads)
. Here also is the English version
In-at-the-Deep-End.pdf (2708 downloads)
Compendium of my writings on assessment
Please see separate page on ‘assessment’ which contains several chunks of my related publications. Here however is the main download:
Assessment-digest-w-1.docx (4191 downloads)
Making learning outcomes work
Here (again) is my little piece on learning outcomes. Thanks to many readers of this site who have given me really useful feedback on it. (3341 downloads)