Sally’s new book was launched at the SEDA Conference earlier this month. (Brown, S. (2015) Learning, teaching and assessment in higher education: global perspectives, London: Palgrave-MacMillan). At the launch, she gave out a handout of some snippets on assessment and feedback, which you can download here: Extract from book (626 downloads) . The photo shows her holding the book, before cutting the cake of the book at the conference. Many thanks to Palgrave for the champagne reception. (Sometimes it’s good to eat one’s words!).
Bournemouth University: November 19th and 20th
Here are the main slides I used. The two groups were very different on the 19th and 20th, and we got through quite a lot more on the latter. The slides here are composite, and include slides that one group saw and the other didn’t. As I explained, I ran the feedback workshop in a different order on the two days, and present the slides as used on the 20th, to demonstrate to participants present on the 19th that I wasn’t ‘leading the witnesses’.
For the assessment workshop, I’ve also inserted the ‘long’ version of the discussion on validity, reliability, etc, which you can use with the sheet I issued to self-rate a particular assessment of your own (I’ve also described how to do this in the 2nd and 3rd editions of ‘Making Learning Happen’). I’ve also posted the HEA 2012 slides, which I whizzed through on the final afternoon, but now you can use them to think about what we need to do to make assessment a lot better. I particularly enjoyed working with you on the 20th. Bournemouth feedback (637 downloads) , Towards assessment as learning (731 downloads) , HEA 2012 slides (638 downloads) .
Post-Constructive Alignment?
I’ve been thinking recently that ‘constructive alignment’ is only part of the story – even though it is a very sensible part. Here are some thoughts about a bigger picture. Post-Constructive Alignment? (885 downloads) . (Written at Newcastle Airport on the way to Southampton and Bournemouth).
SEDA Museum of Curiosities
At the SEDA Conference last week in Nottingham, many delegates were astonished at the Museum presentation prepared by Peter Hartley and myself. The slides are downloadable here, including the Underhand Projector. Seda Museum slides (632 downloads) . If you find these slides amusing, please Tweet the link! Thanks Peter for the idea.
University of York: 12th November
Good to be back at York University after a few years. Here are the slides I used this morning in our workshop of Assessment, to which I’ve added the short input I made to the session on writing teaching portfolios in the afternoon. York (641 downloads) Please look at the post below this one to download my checklists in planning and reflecting on your teaching, and a critical comparison for eleven assessment methods. Search the website for ‘Ferrell’ if you want to download the excellent JISC publication on the electronic management of assessment (EMA) by Gill Ferrell.
Bits of new books: 6th November
Here are downloads of two bits from my forthcoming and recent books.
‘Planning and reflecting on your teaching’ comprises two quite detailed tables, and will be included in the 4th edition of ‘The Lecturer’s Toolkit’ to be published in early 2015. Planning-and-reflecting-on-your-teaching-w.docx (626 downloads)
By popular request the ‘Critical Comparison of eleven assessment types’ is a table adapted from Chapter 4 of the 3rd edition of ‘Making Learning Happen’ which was published by Sage in May this year. Critical-comparison-of-assessment-types-PR-w.docx (559 downloads) You might notice that ‘essays’ fare rather badly, especially under the ‘whodunit’ issue.
I hope you find these downloads useful – if so, please re-tweet the link!
Sheffield Hallam University: 5th November
Here are the main slides we used in our afternoon together SHU (592 downloads) . You were great to work with, and I wish you well in implementing some of these ideas as you update curriculum for re-validation. I will shortly be putting a couple of further bits of my work on assessment up on this site, and these will appear in the next post – they may indeed be useful to you too.
New College Stamford 24th October
Here are the main slides I used in our workshops on feedback, minus the pictures and video links. Great working with you all, and thanks for the many Tweets. New College Stamford (635 downloads) All best wishes putting what you can into practice for your students, in the context of often unhelpful and unwise procedures from your accrediting University and from BTEC!
NUS Assessment and Feedback Benchmarking Tool
To increase student satisfaction regarding assessment and feedback, the NUS’s own ‘Benchmarking Tool’ is a really good agenda for improvement of our provision NUS Assessment and Feedback Benchmarking Tool (873 downloads) here, or available from the NUS website.
Electronic Management of Assessment: Dr Gill Ferrell
JISC published last month a brilliant report by Dr Gill Ferrell on the electronic management of assessment. Food for thought for all looking to modernize assessment and feedback in the digital age. The report should download from the following link: