University of Luxembourg: December 4th and 5th

Here are the slides which Sally and I used in our joint session with you this afternoon. We are very pleased to be in Luxembourg for the first time, and look forward to working with you again tomorrow. Joint keynote (564 downloads)

Here are the main slides from my morning workshop on 5th December. Making Learning Happen (616 downloads) . Here also are the slides from the afternoon workshop. Developing Effective Curricula (594 downloads) . I wish you all well in developing these ideas at Luxembourg, and hope to see you again before long. Thanks for making Sally and I so welcome throughout our visit.

Who assesses?

This table is about ‘assessment agency’ and compares some factors to consider when thinking about who assesses (lecturer, external examiner, peer, group, self). I’ve adapted the following table from one included in my submission for the 3rd edition of ‘Making Learning Happen’ (now with the publisher). Any suggested improvements gratefully received. Who assesses? (726 downloads)

Plymouth University: 10-11th October

Here are the main slides I used in our morning workshop on 10th October on ‘Designing good assessment questions’ (prefaced by the slides on the Curriculum Enrichment Project) Good assessment questions (640 downloads) . The slides are not always in the same order as we used them of course. As always, of course, the slides are just ‘the slides’. In many ways, these are the least important aspect of these sessions. It’s what we did, said, argued about and shared that are the most important aspects. Students who miss a lecture but then get the slides are never able to benefit as much as those who were there.
Here are the slides used in the afternoon workshop on 10th October on ‘Involving Students in their own assessment’ involving students (586 downloads) , and the ‘Assessment Agency Table’ as a word document Assessment agency table (556 downloads) . I would love to have had time to do a bit more on peer assessment, but the double-booking intervened. I will offer a further workshop entirely on peer assessment on a future visit.

Here are the slides I used in my session for Associate Lecturers Associate Lecturer slides (604 downloads) . I hope this helps you to enjoy your work with students all the more.