‘Beyond the tyranny of learning outcomes’: SEDA workshop, 16th November

I very much enjoyed leading a great group of participants through some thinking about learning outcomes at my workshop at the SEDA Conference in Birmingham on November 16th.
Here, I’m posting the main slides I used, with a few added ‘bonus slides’ as well;  SEDA-2018-w.pptx (500 downloads)
In addition, you can here download what participants came up with on post-its at the session – a remarkable amount of thinking in just a 45-minute session – well done!  SEDA-Workshop-Products-w.docx (449 downloads)
I’m also posting Robert Nelson’s THE piece referred to in the slides:  Robert-Nelson-THE-learning-outcomes-piece.docx (959 downloads) , and Donna Hurford’s survey of the learning outcomes of PGCert programmes, also mentioned in the slides:  Donna-Hurfords-collection-of-LOs-w.docx (431 downloads) , and for good measure my own controversial THE piece about assessing coursework essays:  Phil-Race-THE-article-on-assessed-essays-Sept-18.docx (868 downloads)

UCLAN Medicine and Dentistry: 20th September

I got here this time. It only took 10 hours on trains yesterday from Newcastle to Hexham (where I aborted my plan to travel via Carlisle as there were no longer any trains South – or North therefrom), so returned to Newcastle where there were also no trains North or South (all day, they said), but eventually joined one from Aberdeen 4 hours late, which went East, to Sunderland, Harlepool, then York, and apart from two cancelled trains to Manchester and Preston, eventually got there.
I was so glad I did, as you were a great group to work with, and I very much look forward to seeing you again in December. I’m now back in wet Newcastle after a very smooth and punctual journey – via Carlisle again. Here are the main slides I used, and also the word document of the HEA UKPSF stuff. Thanks too for all the Tweets.  UCLAN-2018-w-2.pptx (474 downloads)   ukpsf-details-on-one-sheet-w.docx (822 downloads)

University College, Birmingham: 3rd July

I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to University College, Birmingham today. Not only do you have fantastic new buildings and learning spaces, but one of the most enthusiastic conference audiences I have had the pleasure of working with. Thanks for the lovely comments on Twitter on #philatucb18. I tried in my keynote not to bore you with too many text-only slides, but include more activities – and it seemed to work! The main slides are here: UCB-2018-ww.pptx (700 downloads)
It was very interesting too to experiment with how many different ways a fine large lecture theatre like yours can be used to engage audiences. Will be very happy to come back! Now home in Newcastle – the journey North is always half-an-hour slower than the timetable – gravity perhaps – something to do with travelling ‘up’ the country compared to ‘down’ I guess?

Ola! ‘In at the Deep End’ now in Spanish too!

mara.fuertes-gutierrez and Juan Muñoz when working at Leeds Beckett University some time ago translated ‘In at the Deep End’ into Spanish, and have now made this available to all as a Word document or pdf file. These are attached here:  In-at-the-deep-end-Spanish-translation_Tirarse-a-la-piscina.docx (618 downloads)   In-at-the-deep-end-Spanish-translation_Tirarse-a-la-piscina.pdf (523 downloads) Many thanks to Mara and Juan for translating this.

I’m also posting again the Arabic translation, and the original Leeds Beckett publications here:  In-at-the-Deep-End.pdf (543 downloads) Arabic-translation-of-in-at-the-deep-end.pdf (593 downloads)


Busy week, including a 30-minute Tweetchat!

On Thursday night (after the AHE Conference in Manchester on the 28th June), Sally and I will be travelling across to Oulton Hall in Yorkshire with a contingent of 20 UK and US assessment experts for 36 hour invitational seminar where we will be unpicking the differences and similarities between American and British perspectives on assessment, with a view to future collaborations and publications. Lots of National Teaching Fellows will be taking part including Fabio D’Arico, Kay Sambell, Margaret Price, Peter Hartley, Naomi Winston, Tansy Jessop, Susan Orr, Mark Schofield, Sally Brown and me! Thanks so much to Keston Fulcher and Nick Curtis of James Maddison University for involving us in making the arrangements for this.

We will be tweeting from the event and invite colleagues to join us between 6.30 and 7.00 pm on Friday 29th on the hashtag #AngloUsAssessSummit in response to the following three questions:

  1. ​​What differences have you noticed between the way Americans and British people talk about assessment?
  2. Do you think there are key structural differences between the ways in which we work on assessment, or are our principles very similar?
  3. Can you identify any literature, research or projects that would be particularly helpful; to either US or UK colleagues or both (and why do you say that?)

Do join in if you are free at that time.