University of Huddersfield: School of Education: 1st December

Thanks for joining with me for the session ‘Towards assessment AS learning’ this afternoon. I’d like you now to think back to the hour you spent assessing one of your own assessment elements, and as a result, deepening your thinking about learning as well as reliability, validity, authenticity and manageability of assessment. Here are the main slides we used – a short file of the 14 time-saving ideas I floated, and a long one of the background and tasks.  HUd-2016-14-ideas-w.pptx (578 downloads)   Hud-2016-w.pptx (557 downloads) . (I’ve transcribed your post-it responses to the ‘if only I’ task – food for reflection?).
I look forward to seeing you again on 11th January, to follow through on how best to address feedback to students (and from students). [Sorry that not one of you Tweeted your feedback to me during the session; ‘the student voice’ becomes important in NSS 2017].
Meanwhile, have a great Christmas, and a splendid New Year.