University of Luxembourg: December 2nd and 4th

Here are the main slides from my full-day workshop on ‘Making Learning Happen’ in Luxembourg on 2nd December (minus the pictures and video links). Thanks for your feedback on the day (including that of the one participant who wouldn’t recommend the day to a colleague!). Hoping to see at least some of you at Friday’s half-day workshop on course design. Making Learning Happen (698 downloads)

Here are the main slides from my half-day workshop on ‘Curriculum Design at Course Level’ on December 4th, and a word file of the learning outcomes checklist grid. Course Design (612 downloads) , Learning outcomes checklist for students (600 downloads) . Thanks to Paul, Cassandra and everyone for making Sally and I so welcome this week.

Trip to South Wales: 17th-20th November

I’ll be in South Wales for most of this week, with my wife Sally Brown. On Wednesday 18th, we’ll be at the University of South Wales (back to my old stamping ground, where I worked from 1971-1995), helping to launch the ETC Toolkit (which you can get from The main slides I used in my morning keynote on ‘Energising Students in Large Groups’ can be downloaded here. USW keynote (619 downloads) . Sorry I couldn’t include the pictures – file size – but should anyone wish to have the full works, including the ‘museum of antiquities’ slides, just email me for them! You were a splendid audience – well done for joining in so well, and for all the Tweets.
On Thursday 19th and Friday 20th we’ll be at the SEDA Conference in Cardiff.
On Sally’s website, ( you can download her afternoon keynote presentation at USW, and materials from her workshop at the SEDA Conference.


Now in Santander

After a brilliant trip with Sally to Cadiz (where she was external at a successful PhD by publication viva),  we’re about to start a conference on formative assessment at the University of Cantabria. Sally’s giving a keynote (in Spanish and English) on Saturday morning, and I’m running a workshop (just in English!) tomorrow. Phil concentrating(Photo caught me trying to follow Spanish at start of conference!).

Here will be added my main slides from my workshop on 18th September Santander workshop slides (673 downloads) . You were a great audience, and I very much enjoyed working with you and learning from you.
Here also are the popular slides on my ‘Ripples’ model of learning Ripples model seven factors (29285 downloads) , and a Word file of Chapter 1 of the 2015 edition of ‘The Lecturer’s Toolkit’ Chapter 1 of 'Toolkit' 4th edition (1027 downloads) . Here as well are slides from a presentation I did of the ‘Ripples’ model translated into Spanish, from a previous visit Slides about 7 factors in Spanish (605 downloads) .

Jo Johnson’s speech: (and the TEF) 9th September

The Minister for Universities and Science yesterday pointed to the shape and nature of the Green Paper to be published in the autumn. Headings such as ‘Teaching at the heart of the system’ may look promising, but later his words include ‘And there is lamentable teaching that must be driven out of our system. It damages the reputation of UK higher education and I am determined to address it’.
For anyone wondering about whether the focus of the TEF will really address teaching excellence, or whether the forthcoming Green Paper will be much more about higher education moving yet further towards the status of a commodity rather than a right for students, the links below may help. I’ve posted the link to the official document, and a Word document of the text, in case that makes it easier to quote from the speech. (I’m all for encouraging teaching excellence, but commodifying it is not a sensible way towards achieving it).  Jo Johnson's speech, 9th September: Word document (768 downloads)

You may also be interested in recent posts about the TEF on Sally’s website, and the #LTHEchat Tweet chat held on August 26th.

University College, Cork: 4th September

It was great to visit UCC again today, and to run two sessions on a day celebrating the retirement of Bettie Higgs, long known to all keen on teaching, learning and assessing. In particular, a splendid send-off celebratory lunch was laid on at a nearby hotel. Here are the main slides I used in my presentations: UCC interactive lectures (600 downloads) , UCC self and peer assessing (626 downloads) . Sally’s slides are as usual on her website too.

8 proposed dimensions for a TEF by Sally Brown and colleagues 17th August

Sally has just posted a discussion document proposing eight possible dimensions to be considered regarding TEF. In self-rating against the grid in the link she posted, it’s useful to read the longer text of the eight dimensions, when cross-referring to the shorter versions on the diagram. A link to her post is here:

Sally and I are co-hosting an associated #LTHEchat on these issues at 8.00 pm on Wednesday 26th August. Do join in.

TEF: a SWOT analysis by Sally Brown and Ruth Pickford: 30th July

There has been extensive debate about the TEF on various mailbase lists, including those of ANTF, SEDA, HEDG. Sally Brown and Ruth Pickford have used these discussions as a starting point for a SWOT analysis, which they are presenting today at the ANTF debate on the TEF at Oxford Brookes University. Here is a link to the document itself, which is now on Sally’s website: