Sheffield Hallam University: Faculty of Health and Well-being: 10th July 2019

It was great working with such an enthusiastic large group this morning. Thanks for all the Tweets, and for diving into all the exercises and challenges I set you. The main slides from my ‘Towards Outstanding Learning’ session are here – I’ve added a few slides on ‘towards assessment as learning’ including a slide with a link to Royce Sadler’s MOOC interview, where he talks convincingly about letting students find out about standards.  SHU-July-2019-ww.pptx (1118 downloads)

Here too are the slides I used for my session with 6 of you on learning outcomes: SHU-ws-2019-1.pptx (659 downloads)   You may like to look at the post below this one, for the workshop products which a large group of staff made at Leeds Beckett.

Leeds Beckett University: 27th June

Here are the main slides which I used yesterday. DEAP-2019-w.pptx (861 downloads)
Thanks for being such an enthusiastic group. I have now transcribed the post-its – what an interesting and mixed example of the ‘learning incomes’ you brought to the workshop – thanks. . prod1.docx (672 downloads)
Sorry, but I forgot to give out the handout material I had prepared for you, but if you signed in I am assured they will pop a copy in the internal mail to you before long.
I’ve also added Robert Nelson’s piece that I mentioned. Robert-Nelson-THE-learning-outcomes-piece.docx (942 downloads)

Off everywhere, it seems!

I’ve been added to the very distinguished group of people holding the LTHEchat ‘Golden Tweeter’ award, along with @ProfSallyBrown! I’m accompanying her for 10 days in Manchester, (day 1 of the Assessment in Higher Education Conference), Leeds, Segovia (Spain) and York, and doing the odd  bit of work in my retirement, including ‘Beyond the Tyranny of Learning Outcomes?’ on Thursday 27th June at Leeds Beckett University, where Professor Sue Smith will be giving her inaugural professorial lecture.
Full details of our trip can be seen at

European First-Year Experience Conference: Cork

I’m having a great time at the EYFE Conference in Cork, Ireland. Over 400 delegates here from 21 countries, from New Zealand to Finland.
Here are the main slides I used at my pre-conference workshop on ‘Helping students to take charge of their learning’ this morning, with 40 or so participants present.  EFYE-June-2019-w.pptx (846 downloads) Here also is the Word file of the learning checklist we played with: learning-grid-2019-v1.docx (557 downloads)
I’ll edit and post the workshop ‘learning incomes’ later. Already having great discussions. (And I’m retired!).

Solstice 2019 – and a surprise!

Here are the slides I used for my session on ‘Helping students to take charge of their learning’ on Wednesday, and Word files of the two handout grids we used. learning-grid-2019-Solstice-2019.docx (655 downloads) Self-care-2019-grid-Solstice-2019.docx (682 downloads) Solstice-June-2019-w.pptx (590 downloads) I’ve also transcribed your post-its: helping-students-to-take-charge-postits.docx (619 downloads)
The complete surprise: Prof Peter Hartley did a great ‘This is your life…’ just for me – the whole works, photos, comments, slides – I was bowled over by folks kindness and generosity to celebrate my retiring on my 75th birthday next week! Many thanks to all! Lots of pictures were Tweeted too on #Solstice2019.

ANTF Symposium: Birmingham City University: 28-29th March

This Symposium was terrific – thanks to everyone who made it so, with 90 colleagues attending and presenting, and really enjoying themselves.
I contributed  a short workshop on ‘Beyond the tyranny of learning outcomes?’ and the main slides I used are here: ANTF-2019-w.pptx (739 downloads)
A link to Sally Brown’s website from which you can link to her SEDA blog on VASCULAR learning outcomes is here:
A link to the piece I mentioned by Robert Nelson is here: Robert-Nelson-THE-learning-outcomes-piece.docx (942 downloads)
I’ve now transcribed the great learning incomes from participants at my session, and they can be downloaded here: workshop-products-w.docx (580 downloads) .

(Postscript: sorry not to stay till the very end of the Symposium, but I got to the Sage, Gateshead in good time for the concert of Mozart’s 3rd Violin Concerto played to perfection by Thomas Zehetmair, who then conducted an exceptional performance of Bruckner’s 6th Symphony, all broadcast on Radio 3 – use BBC Sounds to catch up if you wish).