Lincoln International Business School: 21st June

Here are the main slides I used in my afternoon interactive keynote (but look as I would, I couldn’t find the typo for which I lost £1 – please email me regarding which slide it was!).  Lincoln-2018-w.pptx (567 downloads)
Thank you for making Sally and I so welcome all day, and for the great presentations during the morning where you shared some of the wonderful things you are doing – very encouraging. And thanks to Debbie and her team for organising such an active day conference.
We got home in late daylight, and enjoyed the sunset in our garden with a cuppa (Sally) and a glass of red wine (me).

Solstice Conference: Edge Hill University: 7th-8th June

(Updated 9th June)
I hugely enjoyed being at this Conference again. The main slides from my morning session on 7th June are here: Edge-Hill-Solstice-2018-w.pptx (545 downloads) (with my typo spotted by Peter duly corrected of course).
Here is a transcript of the great collection of ‘what I’d like’ on blue post-its:  What-Id-like....docx (529 downloads) .
After the conference, I transcribed your inspiring range of ‘else’ ideas on the yellow post-its, and they are here:  what-else-can-we-do.docx (602 downloads)

Thanks for all the sessions I attended – so sorry to miss the parallel ones –  I learned all sorts of things with you all. Finally, I’d like to add the wonderful graphic Sarah Wright circulated on Twitter – this is just brilliant. Do go to  @Sarah__wright1 on Twitter for the original version to appreciate how good it is.

MIC Limerick: 31st May

Here are the main slides I used at Limerick today. I’ve prefaced them with the slides Dr Gwen Moore used to introduce the session, and put at the end the extra slides I used in answer to your very good questions. Limerick-MIC-2018-w.pptx (722 downloads)
Thanks for making me so welcome, and apologies for having to rush off at the end to get a train to Galway (a lovely  run), and thanks again to Gwen and her team for making all the arrangements. I hope you may have me back again before too long – perhaps for ‘Towards Inspiring Lectures’.

RCPI Dublin 29th May

Thanks for making me so welcome at the RCPI in Dublin, to run a session about fine-tuning assessment for today’s students and professions. The main slides I used can be downloaded here: Dublin-RCPI-2018-w.pptx (561 downloads)

A link to the ‘content free test’ I used to illustrate how showing students ‘wrong’ things can aid learning – in this case towards the design of good multiple-choice questions, is here:  contentfreetest.ppt (679 downloads)
A link to the SEDA blog I wrote some time ago called ‘Reflection on Demand’ is here:

As always, what you can download here is just the slides – the heart of the day was the discussion around things in the slides and far beyond them. The slides themselves are no substitute for having been there, but may trigger thoughts for those who contributed to the discussions and debates. Thanks also for several Tweets.

Imperial College, London: Faculty of Medicine: Master’s Staff Conference: 23rd May

Here are the main slides I used at our session on ‘authentic assessment’ this afternoon.  Imperial-College-2018-w.pptx (548 downloads)
Note that as I explained, there’s a missing word or two from those published here – remember? Please note also I’ve thrown in two or three more slides I’d love to have discussed with you, had time allowed.
It was great to stay for the rest of the afternoon – not least to ponder the drawbacks of PowerPoint (when used badly!).

Newcastle College: 30th April 2018

How great to have the chance to run a full day in my own city – and with around 80 participants in the morning keynote session! You were a great group, and engaged wonderfully in all the tasks and exercises I set you. Thanks for lovely Tweets too. We addressed all sorts of things to do with assessment and feedback, and the main slides are here:  Newcastle-College-2018-w.pptx (599 downloads)
Here too is the Word version of the handout I made squeezing all the HEA info on Fellowships into one (densely populated!) page – best printed on A3. grid-2018-w.docx (613 downloads)
All sorts of other things can be downloaded from the slides if you click the links. Hope to return soon.